Asylum Seekers Feminist Conference
Saturday, March 07, 2020

Abolish Direct Provision Ireland is a grassroots Campaign that was started in November 2018 with the main purpose of creating awareness about this horrible system of Direct Provision, empower asylum seekers while they wait for their papers to be process and engage the government to abolish this inhumane system that has been welcoming asylum seekers to Ireland since 2000.
There are currently over 4,000 women (44% of DP population) living in some inhumane conditions in Direct Provision Centres in Ireland.
Women receive only 38 Euros per week allowance
Women with Children receive no child allowance from the Government
The allowance women receive on a weekly basis have to cater for sanitary products which is not provided by the Contractors.
Depression is very high among women living in Direct Provision. There have been some cases of suicide in DP Centres.
Single women in direct provision usually share a bedroom & one toilet with minimum 5 other women on average for 4 years.
We are planning this conference to bring women in Ireland and direct provision together in solidarity and empower those that have to live in this brutal system while contractors make millions on their misery.
You can visit if you would like to help out or volunteer.
Tickets are now available online for the Feminist Conference. Join us to empower women living in Direct Provision.
Register here
Starts: 7 March 2020 10:00
Ends: 7 March 2020 16:00
Location: Dublin City University
Dublin 9