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Migration, mental health and resilience: Women’s experiences of migration and seeking asylum

Friday, September 16, 2022

Migration, mental health and resilience: Women’s experiences of migration and seeking asylum

The Women's Mental Health Network invites you to an online event which will look at Migration, Mental Health and Resilience: Women’s experiences of migration and seeking asylum.

This event will explore how women’s experiences of migration and seeking asylum impact on their mental health and experience of mental health services. Isolation is a particularly salient issue for migrant women which can have a negative impact on their mental health. Accessing mental health services can bring many additional challenges for migrant women such as language barriers, discrimination and unequal treatment. This event aims to support mental health professionals to be inclusive of the experiences of migrant women in their practice and highlight services and resources which can help you to achieve this. 

We are delighted to be joined by an excellent line-up of speakers including:

  • Liliana Morales, Psychologist with the HSE Psychology Service for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • Dr Caroline Munyi, Migrant Women's Health Coordinator at AkiDwA
  • Ber Grogan, Policy & Research Manager at Mental Health Reform

Please advise Susan McCormack, susanmcc@nwci.ie if you have any special requirements, e.g. ISL interpretation, accessibility, by the 9th of September.

Registration for this event is free, and you do not need to be a member of the Women's Mental Health Network to attend.

The Women’s Mental Health Network (WMHN) is a network of people and organisations with a committed interest in women’s mental health issues, developed and coordinated by the National Women’s Council (NWC) and St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS). If you would like to learn more about the Women's Mental Health Network, you can find more information or request to join at https://www.nwci.ie/discover/what_we_do/womens_right_to_health/join_the_womens_mental_health_network

Register on Eventbrite here

Starts: 16 September 2022 10:00
Ends: 16 September 2022 11:30
Location: Online