Restart, revive and rebuild: A 2020s women, peace and security agenda
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
What do women across the world want and need for a peaceful future? How can we revive the agenda and enable women to lead?
Join us at CSW65 to share views and learning!
Across the world, women want to see progress on peace and security. Women want a genuine role as leaders, safe everyday lives and the right for all women and girls to shape their own lives. This side event of the Commission on the Status of Women NGO Parallel Forum looks at how that can be achieved, and what we can learn from each other to restart, revive and rebuild a strong women, peace and security agenda fit for the 2020s.
Join the Northern Ireland Womens Europeans Network for this side event, which will explore perspectives from Northern Ireland, South Africa and Ireland, and highlight priorities and aims women share across the world. The event will also give a voice to young women, who will share their vision, hopes and ideas for a peaceful future.
The event forms part of the CSW65 NGO Parallel Forum. CSW is the UN intergovernmental body for advancing women's rights and gender equality, and works through an annual two week conference, which this year takes place virtually 15-26 March. The NGO Parallel Forum aims to share experiences and learning and involves NGOs from across the world. Participation in the NGO Parallel Forum is free and open to all, and provides access to hundreds of side events designed to share learning and good practice.
This year, the core theme of CSW65 is 'Women's full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls'. Side events nevertheless cover a wide range of topics, from health and gender based violence to leadership and political participation.
Speakers :
Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos, Global Network of Women Peacebuilders
Caitlín Higgins Ní Chinnéide, Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland
Funeka Manzi, Foundation for Human Rights, South Africa
Hannah Fullerton, YouthAction, Northern Ireland
Aroha Philipson, NAWO Young Women's Alliance
Session chair: Louise Kennedy, Chair of NIWEP
Register here
Starts: 23 March 2021 13:30
Ends: 23 March 2021 14:30