Setting the #Feminist Agenda: Challenging Violence Against Women
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Join us for the third event in our #Feminist Agenda webinar series. Over the coming weeks, we will be discussing Covid-19 and the key issues that are relevant for women and women's equality at the moment.
This webinar will explore the global and national response to violence against women during the Covid-19 emergency. We will be examining the impact the crisis is having on women who experience violence and abuse and how the survivor voice is a fundamental part of this conversation. The webinar discussion will focus on how Covid-19 has exacerbated violence against women and how a feminist recovery must include a dedicated and reimagined response to domestic and gender-based violence as we move into the recovery phase.
Speakers will include:
Dubravka Šimonovic - UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Agaisnt Women
Noeline Blackwell - CEO Dublin Rape Crisis Centre
Sarah Benson - CEO Women's Aid
Mary Louise Lynch - Founder of Sisi, a survivor participation project.
The webinar will be chaired by Orla O'Connor, Director, NWCI.
This event will have ISL interpretation.
Register here
You will receive the Zoom link to our webinar before the event.
Starts: 11 June 2020 11:30
Ends: 11 June 2020 13:00