NWC campaign for SPHE

Since 2021, NWC has actively contributed to the redevelopment of the Social, Personal, and Health Education (SPHE) curricula undertaken by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). Our submissions and inputs to NCCA have provided a feminist and gender-sensitive lens to the redevelopment and implementation of the new SPHE curricula, aligning with our commitment to the prevention pillar of the Third National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual, and Gender-Based Violence (DSGBV). NWC advocates for the integration of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) into compulsory SPHE education to advance gender equality, promote public health, and prevent violence against women. The input and feedback from NWC’s member organisations have been invaluable in this process. 

Key Contributions: 

NCCA Consultations  

1. Junior Cycle SPHE Curriculum 

Submission to the NCCA SPHE Curriculum Consultation: NWC provided feedback to the NCCA's brief and background paper for the Junior Cycle SPHE curriculum redevelopment. 

Submission on the Draft Junior Cycle SPHE Curriculum: the feedback included an intersectional feminist analysis of the draft curriculum, highlighting the importance of SPHE and Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) for achieving gender equality and preventing violence against women and girls. 

2. Senior Cycle SPHE Curriculum 

NWC Submission on the Senior Cycle SPHE Redevelopment: NWC provided feedback to the NCCA's brief and background paper for the Senior Cycle SPHE curriculum redevelopment. 

NWC Submission on the Draft specification for Senior Cycle SPHE: this detailed submission offered an intersectional feminist analysis, highlighting the critical role of SPHE and RSE in fostering gender equality and preventing violence against women and girls. 

3. Primary Level Wellbeing Curriculum 

As part of the NCCA's Draft Primary Curriculum Specifications consultation, NWC emphasised the need for the Wellbeing Curriculum to robustly address gender equality, combat harmful stereotypes, and include age-appropriate and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education. 

Exploratory Roundtable on SPHE Curricula 

In November 2023, NWC convened an exploratory roundtable to discuss the implementation of the updated Junior Cycle SPHE curriculum and the then ongoing redevelopment process for Senior Cycle students. This event brought together stakeholders and experts to explore opportunities and challenges, ensuring effective curriculum implementation and support for young people, teachers and schools. 

Dublin City University (DCU) prepared two rapid evidence assessments for NWC titled: 

RSE and Adopting a Whole of School Approach: International best practices that Irish schools can implement  

How best to engage the whole school community in RSE that promotes gender equality and prevents gender-based violence 

While these Rapid Evidence Assessments provide valuable insights, NWC cannot fully endorse the content as they reflect DCU's independent research findings, and we did not have editorial control over the final versions.