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NALA National Adult Literacy Agency

NALA National Adult Literacy Agency The National Adult Literacy Agency is an independent charity committed to making sure people with literacy and numeracy difficulties can fully take part in society and have access to learning opportunities that meet their needs. According to the last international survey, 1 in 4 Irish adults has problems reading and writing.
  • Sandford Lodge,
    Sandford Close,
    Dublin 6
    DO6 YF65

National Childminding Association of Ireland

Promote high standards in family based day care for children

  • C28, Arklow Business Enterprise Centre,
    Kilbride Industrial Estate
    Co. Wicklow
    Y14 T440

National Deaf Women of Ireland

Gives deaf women the opportunity to explore & make decisions about issues which concern them

National Traveller Women’s Forum

The National Traveller Women's Forum is the nationaThe National Traveller Women's Forum (NTWF) is the national network of Traveller women and Traveller women's organisations from throughout Ireland.

The NTWF recognises the particular oppression of Traveller women in Irish society and are working to address this issue through the provision of opportunities to Traveller women to meet, share experiences, ideas and develop collective strategies and skills to work towards the enhancement of their position in society.l network of traveller women and traveller womens organisations from throughout Ireland.

Network Ireland

A progressive, dynamic organistion for women in business


NISIG National Infertility Support and Information Group NISIG is an Irish charity that has been providing support and information to those suffering from infertility since it was established in 1996. The ability to have a child is taken for granted by most people, but one in six will have difficulty conceiving and may seek medical help to achieve a pregnancy. NISIG is also active in awareness raising of the issue through media engagement, and further engages with opinion leaders at local and national level to ensure the issue of infertility, particularly funding and lack of regulation, remain on the political agenda.

Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform

Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform Provides women in Northern Ireland with a platform to make their voices heard on domestic, European and international social, economic, cultural and political affairs

Northern Ireland Youth Forum

Northern Ireland Youth Forum NI Youth Forum promotes the voices of young people; Speaking Truth to Power. By working together we speak more loudly and we will make sure those in position of power will hear your opinion. We are an independent; radical; youth led body. Any young person between the ages of 11-25 years can get involved.

North Leitrim Women’s Centre

Provision of educational & employment opportunities for women in area