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Capitalism and Sexism: how gender inequality is linked to class inequality

Published: Sunday, November 27, 2011

Capitalism and Sexism: how gender inequality is linked to class inequality

Over the last year thousands of young women have been on their first demonstrations.

Some were protesting against rising tuition fees. Some were striking against attacks on their pensions.

Many others were taking to the streets on the Slutwalks, Million Women Rise, Reclaim the Night and others to say no to sexism, discrimination and violence against women.

Everyone knows the cuts are hitting women hard. Everyone knows the Tories are as sexist as they come - just look at Ken Clarke's comments on rape or Nadine Dorries' campaigns against women's sexual and reproductive rights.

Women have no choice but to protest - against every cut, against every sexist comment and to get this bigoted Con-Dem coalition out.

But what if we did get rid of them? What if all the cuts were stopped? Sure, we'd stop things getting worse but the gender pay gap would still be 15%. Women would still take more responsibility for chores within the home and for looking after children.

Click here to read the full article from Women's Views on News......