‘Dealers in Happiness’
Published: Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hold the Date!
Friday 26th November 2010
The National Youth Council's annual conference
for the youth sector for 2010 is
'Dealers in Happiness'
The role of youth workers in promoting positive
mental health in young people
The Emmaus Centre, Swords, Co. Dublin
NYCI's conference will examine the role of the youth worker in promoting positive mental health and will focus on practical models of intervention
to up-skill youth workers in their work.
The Conference will consist of a mixture of key inputs, round-table
discussions, a Panel Q&A Session and thematic group discussions
Registration fee: €45
For further information or to book a place contact Lisa Hyland or Elaine
Lowry on 01-478 4122 or e-mail lisa@nyci.ie or elaine@nyci.ie.