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Elder Abuse as a Domestic Violence Issue

Published: Thursday, March 22, 2012

Elder Abuse as a Domestic Violence Issue

Wednesday 18th April, 2012.
Ramada Hotel, Bray, Co Wicklow

9:00 a.m. Registration
9.30 a.m. Session 1: "A Total indifference to Our Dignity- Older People's Understanding of Elder Abuse" Mr. Robin Webster, CEO Age Action Ireland
Questions and Answers

10.45 a.m. Coffee Break

11.15 a.m. Session 2: 'Elder abuse.......domestic violence grown old? Dr Amanda Phelan, Programme Coordinator M.Sc Clinical Nursing & Leadership Programmes, in the Management of Elder Abuse, Admissions Tutor, Questions & Answers

12. Noon Session 3: The HSE elder abuse service (overview & referral data) Ms Sarah Mahon: HSE Dedicated Officer for the Protection of Older People
Questions and Answers

12.45 p.m: Lunch

2 p.m: Session 4: Different Understandings of elder abuse: Implications for professional practice Dr Janet Carter Anand, Lecturer in Social Work ,School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Queen's University Belfast

3 .15 pm: Questions & Answers

Representatives from the voluntary and statutory sector services associated with the issue of Domestic Abuse i.e. The Mental Health & Medical Professions, An Garda Siochana, Addiction Services, Children and Young Peoples Support Organisations, Homeless Services and Welfare Supports. Educators, Religious etc., are invited to attend.

The Cost of this seminar is €35 to include tea/coffee biscuits, and 3 course buffet lunch

Places are limited so early booking is advisable .If not attending yourself, please pass this notice to someone else who may be interested in attending

Click here to download the full flyer and registration form....