#FeministPresident: NWCI generates debate on Presidential election
Published: Thursday, October 18, 2018

As part of the presidential election campaign, NWCI launched a public discussion on women’s equality in the election campaign for a new President, using #FeministPresident.
NWCI asked all presidential candidates a series of questions in relation to women’s equality. The answers were published in the Sunday Independent and on our website, please see links below.
The candidates responses generated a huge discussion on social media leading to #FeministPesident becoming the number one trend on Twitter.
Director Orla O'Connor said “We welcome that all candidates have participated in this conversation and wish the public to know their views and perspectives on advancing equality and rights for women. The President can play a significant positive leadership role in advancing women’s rights in Ireland and globally and now is the time to hear their views so we can all make informed decision when voting for a new President of Ireland.”
Read the Sunday Independent story here
Presidential Election 2018: Michael D Higgins
Presidential Election 2018: Liadh Ní Riada
Presidential Election 2018: Gavin Duffy
Presidential Election 2018: Joan Freeman
Presidential Election 2018: Peter Casey
Presidential Election 2018: Sean Gallagher