IFN are looking for a Coordinator (Voluntary position)
Published: Thursday, June 09, 2011

We are looking for a vibrant and innovative person to take up the voluntary position of Coordinator of the Irish Feminist Network! If you are interested in leading one of the fastest growing feminist organisations in Ireland, engaging and networking with other feminist and women's organisations and gaining experience in every aspect of not-for profit organisational development, we're looking for you!
Since it was established in 2010, the IFN has become a national voice for Irish feminism. It has a strong Internet presence and is regularly called on by the Irish media for comment and interaction on important events affecting women. It has been influential in highlighting the paucity of women's representation in parliament, sexual harassment in the workplace and denigration of women in prostitution and pornography. It has a Facebook following of more than 1,500 people and regularly conducts events to promote and raise awareness of feminist issues for young Irish women as well as fun community events aimed at general consciousness raising.
As co-coordinator of the IFN you will have the opportunity to grow and shape the future of the IFN as well as gaining invaluable experience in media and communications, strategic planning, research, fundraising and non-profit management. You will develop contacts and networks in government, media and other NGOs who can influence the future for women in Ireland.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Act as spokesperson for the IFN including on radio, television and print media.
- Work with other feminist and women's organisations around the country to determine policies and best practice
- Organise social activities around feminist issues including discussion groups, book clubs etc.
- Manage social networking pages, mailing list and website to keep members up to date on feminist issues in Ireland
- Develop effective strategies to engage more people across Ireland with the IFN and its mission
- Facilitate IFN board meetings
- Must have a strong interest in and appreciation of women's issues and feminism
- Must be interested in supporting, encouraging and engaging young women in feminism
- Experience working with non-profits/community sector preferred
- Superior written and oral communication skills
- Enthusiasm, passion, energy and leadership qualities.
For more information or to put yourself forward, please contact Madeline Hawke at irishfeministnetwork@gmail.com