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Join NWCI for protest against cuts to Maternity Benefit

Published: Thursday, October 24, 2013

This Friday, October 25, the NWCI will be joining a protest against cuts to Maternity Benefit, at 1pm outside Leinster House.

The cut to Maternity Benefit is an attack on women and families. All statutory maternity benefit rates have been standardised to €230 per week for new claimants. For over 95% (23,000) of claimants it will mean a reduction of €32 a week which is a significant drop given the proven high costs associated with caring for an infant. This comes on top of the Budget 2012 measure to tax maternity benefit thereby reducing the real value of the payment further. In less than a year, the cut to maternity benefit is nearly €3,500 per mother. It will mean that mothers may have to return to their jobs earlier than they wish to. (Barnardos Budget 2014 Analysis)


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