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Rising to the challenge - addressing Ireland’s gender pay gap

Published: Tuesday, February 13, 2018

On Wednesday 10th January the Government held a National Symposium, "Rising to the challenge - addressing Ireland's gender pay gap". NWCI Director, Orla O’Connor, addressed the invitation-only event, jointly hosted by the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, and the Department of Justice and Equality, which saw more than 130 participants’, with various expertise in the area, come together to discuss the obtainable solutions to closing the gap.

Read a synopsis of the symposium on our blog here.

This symposium is the latest step in the Government’s commitment to address the Gender Pay Gap, following its public consultation in late 2017. Details of the consultation process, and of the summary report, are available to read here. You can also read NWCI’s submission to the public consultation here.

The "Gender Pay Gap (Wage Transparency)" Bill, which is expected to establish a mandatory reporting obligation on companies to report on gender pay differences in their organisations, forms part of the Government’s spring/summer legislative programme. NWCI will closely monitor its development.

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