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NWCI recommends amendments to Domestic Violence Bill 2017

Published: Tuesday, May 16, 2017

NWCI has welcomed the new measures contained in the Domestic Violence Bill 2017, which was introduced to Seanad Éireann earlier this year and is expected to reach Committee Stage in the coming weeks. In particular we welcomed the enhanced protection of and support for victims when they are going to court, the removal of the barrier of property ownership when applying for interim barring orders and the recognition of the new reality of online abuse.

However, we have, along with our members, identified a number of amendments which would serve to strengthen the Bill and provide further protection for victims, predominantly women. In particular we have formulated a definition of domestic violence that captures not only acts of physical (including sexual) violence, but also acts of psychological and economic abuse, including stalking and other forms of harassment, and acts which are undertaken in order to exercise “coercive control” over their victim.

The recommendations also articulate a detailed list of criteria to be considered by the courts in determining whether to grant protective orders. We have called for the development of a national network of contact centres with support, incorporating a domestic abuse risk assessment framework and, as appropriate, safety planning, in order to contribute to meeting the safety and psychological needs of women and children experiencing domestic violence.

We also recommended ending the requirement for victims of domestic violence to make financial contributions for civil legal aid when seeking court protection under domestic violence legislation to ensure access to justice to all women without sufficient means. 

For more detail please read our submission here

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