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Pension equality for older women

Published: Tuesday, May 09, 2017

NWCI is currently holding workshops with older women in Cahirciveen on pension equality. The workshops are being organised with the National Collective Community based Womens Networks and their local branches;  South West Kerry Womens Association and with funding from the Community Foundation of Ireland . Two workshops have taken place in Cahirciveen with the final one planned for the 22nd May. Other workshops are planned.  The women have found out about their rights and entitlements, discussed their own experience of inequality with the current pension system and begun to identify issues that they want to campaign on to ensure retrospective pension justice for older women. The NWCI will continue to highlight the experiences of older women in our pre-budget work and involving women in the campaign.

For more information and to get involved contact Catherine on catherinel@nwci.ie

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