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We must trust women’s decisions - NWCI’s Submission to Citizens’ Assembly

Published: Friday, December 16, 2016

NWCI has made a submission to the Citizens’ Assembly highlighting the voice of our 180 member organisations in Ireland. In our submission, we call on the members of the Citizens Assembly to recommend a referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the constitution and introduce legislation providing for access to abortion on a woman’s request, combined with exceptional circumstances, in line with good practice around Europe.

Orla O’Connor, Director of NWCI said,
“The decision whether to have a child is one of the most significant decisions a woman will make. Women will come to this decision from a range of different circumstances and backgrounds. The Irish experience shows that even the most restrictive abortion regime does not stop women from making the decision not to continue with the pregnancy, in often traumatic and very difficult circumstances. And indeed, our own constitution specifically vindicates the right of women to travel and access information about abortion services abroad. The time has come to stop this hypocrisy. We must trust women to make the best decisions for themselves and their families and give them access to the full range of healthcare services in their own country. ”

Read full press statement 

Read full version of NWCI's submission 

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