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We must trust women’s decisions

Published: Thursday, December 15, 2016

NWCI has today made a submission to the Citizens’ Assembly highlighting the voice of our 180 member organisations in Ireland. In our submission, we call on the members of the Citizens Assembly to recommend a referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the constitution and introduce legislation providing for access to abortion on a woman’s request, combined with exceptional circumstances, in line with good practice around Europe.

Orla O’Connor, Director of NWCI said,
“The decision whether to have a child is one of the most significant decisions a woman will make. Women will come to this decision from a range of different circumstances and backgrounds. The Irish experience shows that even the most restrictive abortion regime does not stop women from making the decision not to continue with the pregnancy, in often traumatic and very difficult circumstances. And indeed, our own constitution specifically vindicates the right of women to travel and access information about abortion services abroad. The time has come to stop this hypocrisy. We must trust women to make the best decisions for themselves and their families and give them access to the full range of healthcare services in their own country. ”

Eilís Ni Chaithnia, Policy Coordinator at NWCI said,
“We are confident that the 99 members of the Citizens Assembly, when provided with comprehensive reliable, accurate information, will recognise the need for and recommend a repeal of the Eighth Amendment and introduce legislation providing for access to abortion on a woman’s request, combined with exceptional circumstances, in line with good practice around Europe.”

Orla O’Connor continued,
“The Eighth Amendment is a clear statement of how - currently - we do not value women and the choices they make. It reduces women to being incapable of making the best decisions for themselves and those around them. It harks back to an Ireland that kept women hidden, locked them away, that took their children from them, all because they would not fit in with the societal norms of what was the ideal woman and mother. Women, men and children are living with the consequences ever since and we can see the trauma unfold, inquiry after inquiry. We have the unique opportunity now to show that Ireland has changed and that we want a different country for our daughters.”

Read full version of NWCI's submission to the Citizens' Assembly 

For more information, please contact Silke Paasche, Head of Communications, NWCI, Tel. 085 8589104.

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