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Marriage Equality launches Civil Partnership Supplier Directory

Published: Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Marriage Equality launches Civil Partnership Supplier Directory

Today marks the official launch of Marriage Equality's new Civil Partnership Supplier Directory - an online resource for same sex couples planning their civil partnership ceremonies. The new section of the Marriage Equality website - which went live on December 1st last year - features a directory of gay-friendly venues, photographers and jewellers, as well as links to information on the legalities of civil partnerships in Ireland.

Moninne Griffith, Director of Marriage Equality, said "We decided to set up our Civil Partnership Supplier Directory because we wanted to match gay and lesbian couples with suppliers who actively support LGBT rights and freedoms, including marriage equality. According to a survey of same sex couples carried out last year by wedding website Mrs2be.ie, many of our own supporters are planning to register Civil Partnerships in the near future, but nearly 1/3 of them have had difficulties finding LGBT friendly suppliers for their big day. At the same time, we've had many calls and emails from vendors and suppliers who are keen to reach same sex couples, but aren't sure how to go about it."

The organisation, which campaigns for equality for same sex couples and families in Ireland, also features information on charity favour cards and "Registering for Equality" - in which couples can set up a personalised page on MyCharity.ie to request donations to Marriage Equality in lieu of (or as well as) gifts. All proceeds go to support Marriage Equality's campaign for equality, which includes two highly successful viral videos - Rory's Story and Sinead's Hand - as well as a recent billboard campaign featuring same sex couples and families, and highlighting the ongoing inequalities and legal difficulties faced by same sex couples and their families despite the progress made with the Civil Partnership scheme.

"Many couples out there are still committed to fighting for equality," said Ms Griffith, "but, understandably, they want to avail of the rights and entitlements available at the moment to same sex couples by registering a Civil Partnership. By asking guests to consider making a donation to Marriage Equality, or by using our charity favour cards, they are able to support our work and raise awareness of the continued, urgent need for equality, while also celebrating their big day."

Marriage Equality believes that Civil Partnership is an important stepping stone on the way to full equality. Their recent report, "Missing Pieces" - an in-depth comparison of the current Civil Partnership Act and the various laws governing marriage in Ireland - found 169 legislative differences between civil partnership and civil marriage, most notably around the rights of children of same sex couples, who are left in legal limbo under the Civil Partnership Act.

Marriage Equality's Civil Partnership Directory can be viewed online at: http://www.marriagequality.ie/getinformed/cpresources.html