Minister Richard Bruton Prevent Exploitation: Ratify Domestic Workers Convention
Published: Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Migrant Rights Centre Ireland is currently running a campaign calling on Minister Richard Bruton to sign the ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers before 12 December, a global day of action.
Domestic work is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors in the world, with over 100 million workers. 80% are women and girls. They provide essential caring and cleaning roles in society, yet many are undervalued, overworked and underpaid.
In Ireland:
- 10,000 plus people are employed in private homes
- 40 cases of forced labour involving women working in private homes since2008
- This sector has the highest number of reported cases of trafficking for forced labour, 50% are cases involving embassies
- Countless women forced to stay in inhumane and undignified situations, denied their most basic human rights
Support the campaign by signing the petition.