National Women’s Council shares anger, deplores paint attack on Minister
Published: Tuesday, November 02, 2010

The National Women's Council of Ireland shares the anger of those hurt by unjust and reckless health cuts, including many women who are our members. The mismanagement of the HSE under Minister Mary Harney's watch has been scandalous. We have taken part in health protests and will continue to do so.However, we deplore the actions of Councillor Louise Minihan, and sympathise with the Minister for the distress the paint attack must have caused her. 'The Women's Council believes that when you see red, you articulate your anger,' said NWCI chief executive, Susan McKay. 'Hurling paint at a woman is not, as Louse Minihan claimed, symbolic. It is simply violent.' [ENDS]Telephone Susan McKay 087 7582222