One Family are recruiting for a panel of tutors
Published: Thursday, March 22, 2012

One Family ( is Ireland's leading organisation for one-parent families. We provide expert support to people parenting alone or sharing parenting and their children through our services, our life-long learning and welfare to work programmes.
We are compiling a panel of tutors/trainers(from across Ireland) to assist us in delivering our FETAC accredited programmes which cover personal and professional development; career planning; employability; communications; work experience; study skills and learning management; positive parenting; family communications; shared parenting and Dad's workshops. It is essential that you are able to demonstrate that you are educated to level 7 NFQ or equivalent; are an accredited facilitator (level 6 or above); or can demonstrate tutor and/or teaching proficiency. You must be able to clearly demonstrate the following competences:
- Planning and enabling learning
- Principles and practice of assessment
- Equality and diversity
- Understanding challenges for those parenting alone
- Teaching and learning in the lifelong learning sector.
- Delivering employability skills
- Evaluating learning programmes
- Understanding motivation
- Understanding challenges for those parenting alone
If you are interested in tendering and would like to join our panel please download the form here and have it completed by Friday, 30 March and return to: Stuart Duffin, One Family, Cherish House, 2 Lower Pembroke Street, Dublin 2 or email Stuart can also be contacted on 01 662 9212 if you want an informal discussion before submitting. Interviews will take place in the week beginning of 23 April.