One Family Training for Trainers - Positive Parenting & Family Communications September
Published: Thursday, July 21, 2011

Two Training for Trainers Programmes September 2011
Positive Parenting Training for Trainers
Reduced Rate Now €400 12 -14 September 2011
Positive Parenting Training for Trainers is based on our manual Positive Parenting in One-Parent Families: building strong relationships and managing difficult behaviour. The course prepares workers to design and deliver parenting courses to groups or work one-to-one with families with extra supports built in to support parents alone, sharing parenting and parenting through family change.
After taking part in this training you will:
- be able to design and deliver a ten-week Positive Parenting programme;
- understand the theory behind the Positive Parenting manual
- be familiar with a range approaches for managing difficult behaviour in children
- be able to support parents in implementing these approaches
- know the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- be able to support parents in developing strategies when they are: separating or divorcing, sharing parenting, parenting in a multicultural society;
- be able to support parents to talk to their children about their family situations and
- be able to support families to parent through difficult times
Family Communications - Training for Trainers
Reduced Rate! Now €400 19-21 September 2011
One Family has now launched Family Communications- Coping with Family Life and Communicating with Teenagers as a resource for facilitators who want to work with groups of parents in relation to strengthening their skills in managing the demands of family life. This training course is based on our Family Communications manual. The course prepares workers to design and deliver Family Communications to groups or to work one-to-one with families with an emphasis towards those parenting alone, sharing parenting and parenting through family change. The comprehensive manual includes 15 modules all of which give a step-by-step guide and handouts for facilitating each session.
After taking part in this training for trainers, participants will;
- Be able to plan, design and deliver a 6 to 12 week Family Communications Programme
- Be able to adapt the manual to one-to-one work with families
- Be able to support parents to rebuild family life after a crisis
- Understand the theory behind the Family Communcations manual
- Be familiar with the principles of clear and direct communication
- Be able to support parents in implementing clear and direct communication in the home
- Be able to support parents in parenting teenagers
- Be able to support parents in creating a positive environment at home
- Be aware of family diversity in Ireland today
- Be able to support parents in parenting when they are: separating or divorcing, sharing-parenting, parenting in a multicultural society
- Be able to support one-parent families to talk about their family situation
Who would benefit from these courses?
All those whose work brings them into contact with families needing support to build strengths and enhance their family lives. Those to wish to deliver these courses and those who work with parents and their children such as project workers, family support workers, psychotherapists, social workers and so on.
Contact:Paula Lonergan, Training & Consultancy Manager
Click here to downlaod registration form.
All materials will be provided, including Positive Parenting and/or Family Communications Trainers Manual.