Rita Fagan Call for Solidarity - Regeneration
Published: Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dear all,
We always seem to be looking for help. If its not one fire were fighting it's another! Friday last, DCC informed the St. Michael's Regeneration Board that they had withdrawn the contract with the builder BAM on the grounds of Health and Safety. Up to that the board knew nothing. 3/4 of the structures of the site has been built. The after-school and Creche were about to get there roofs on. BAM did say a balcony moved 10 inches in December and now in February they have been served with their notice to withdraw from the site although BAM in there press release said the Health and Safety authority had visited the site a number of times and told them to go on with the work. We don't know how big the issue is but what the board did propose was someone at the highest level of mediation of government mediates between both the builder and DCC. We the community do not want a unhealthy workplace or housing but we don't want either the site to close this Friday because every solution has not been tryed. If it goes to an injunction or into the courts you can say that it will be 5 times that St. Michael's Estate have been let down which is a shocking and appalling outcome after 15 long years of struggle. If resources are needed to make it safer well then let the government put their money were their mouth is. But the first step is mediation. See enclosed a letter. We are asking you to send this on and even add to it and send to both Ministers. We are calling for your solidarity once again. We always appreciate your support. Amplify your voice. Out of the 5 regeneration's projects let down by Bernard McNamara this is the only one that has public housing and community facilities being developed. Also if you could forward this to others that would be a great help.
Thanks very much,
Rita Fagan and the Regeneration Team