Say No To Ageism Week 2011
Published: Thursday, June 02, 2011

Say No To Ageism Week 2011 takes place from May 30th to June 3rd. The week provides an opportunity to remind us of the consequences of ageism in service provision and encourages us to renew our commitment to combating ageism in society. This year's campaign under the theme 'I Say No To Ageism' will also include a focus on older people's access to insurance. The campaign will be launched prior to a seminar on 30 May in the Bedford Hall, Dublin Castle. The purpose of the seminar, 'Older people and Insurance in Ireland and the EU', will be to initiate dialogue and highlight new thinking on health insurance and travel insurance on a
European wide basis. Further details regarding the event and the Say No To Ageism 2011 campaign are available on our website The "Say No to Ageism Week" is an initiative developed by the Equality Authority and the Health Service Executive with the support of the Office for Older People, the public transport sector and older people's organisations. Its aim is to raise public awareness about stereotyping of older people and to promote and support practical action for 'age friendly' service provision in key sectors. This is the eighth year of the initiative, co-funded in 2011 by the European Union under the PROGRESS Programme 2007-2013.
The week will involve public awareness using outdoor advertising in the transport sector and the campaign will focus on the individual again this year, re-utilising the theme "I Say No to Ageism". Practical initiatives can be promoted in each of the sectors such as:
- Pass on this message by email
- Download and put up posters in your organisation
- Download or ask for a copy of 'Towards Age Friendly Provision of Goods
- and Services'
- Develop an in-house strategy to identify ways of tackling instances of
- ageism in the context of access to services.
If you have a good idea to promote ageism awareness in your organisation please write to us at: or locall us on Tel:1890 245 545.
Together we can help to promote actions to strengthen the commitment to Say No To Ageism during this week and throughout the year.