Southern & Eastern Regional Assembly Promoting Our Region Annual Conference
Published: Thursday, April 19, 2012

24th May, 2012
'The Jobs Challenge - the Local and Regional response'
Date: Thursday 24th May, 2012
Registration: 9.00 am
Venue: Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny
Admission: Free of Charge, booking is essential as places are limited
The Annual Conference will be formally opened by Mr. John Perry, T.D., Minister of State in the Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation, with special responsibility for Small Business. The S&E Regional Assembly Annual Conference 2012 seeks to explore the response required at the local and regional level to the persistently high levels of unemployment in the region The Entrepreneurship in Micro-Enterprise Theme of the ERDF co-funded Regional Programme 2007-2013 managed by the Regional Assembly forms a part of that response. The conference brings together a number of key agencies and experts to contribute to the debate, to comment and update those attending the conference on the policy solutions to date i.e. the Action Plan for Jobs and critically to propose ways policy can be improved to resolve this serious challenge to the region.
This is a morning conference, a light lunch is provided.
For further details please contact Karen Coughlan or Oonagh Hearne on + 353 51 860700
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