The Irish Institute of Group Analysis announces an open morning
Published: Thursday, March 01, 2012

At the School of Psychotherapy, St. Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin 4.
10.30a.m. -1p.m. Saturday March 10th 2012.
The IIGA Open Morning offers you an opportunity to find out more about the training courses in Group Analysis - from the Foundation Course, Advanced Course through to the professional clinical training and MSc in Group Analytic Psychotherapy.
You are warmly invited to join us for the morning when there will be an opportunity to meet course staff who will introduce you to the courses offered and be available to answer your questions about the Institute and it's trainings.
This is a free event but places are limited so please book by email to or telephone the Convenor Liz O'Connor mobile 086 8596320.
Closing Date for bookings Thursday March 8th 2012