NWCI at the World Community Development Conference
Published: Tuesday, July 03, 2018

This conference provided a unique opportunity for practitioners, participants, academics, policy makers, funders and other stakeholders to share perspectives on current contexts and challenges for community work. The conference was organised jointly by Community Work Ireland, the Department of Applied Social Studies, Maynooth University, and the International Association for Community Development. Over 400 delegates from all over Ireland and the world took part.
NWCI chaired a panel on community work and women's rights. We contributed to discussions on feminism and community work with the National Collective of Community Based Womens Network (NCCWN) and heard reflections on the challenges for women's organisations in campaigning during the recent referendum. There were insighful presentations on rural vibrancy, love and community development and how to apply community work practice to the issue of violence against women. We also were involved in a practice exchange with international delegates who were hosted by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, Pavee Point, Migrant Rights Centre, Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland and Community development projects in the Canal Communities area.
During the closing ceremony a Maynooth Declaration was read out by students of youth and community work.
To find out more about what happened at the conference please visit www.wcdc2018.ie