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Pre-Budget Submission Launch 2025

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Pre-Budget Submission Launch 2025

National Women’s Council Pre-Budget Submission Launch 2025

This upcoming Budget, the last of this current Government, presents an opportunity to invest in and reform public services that support women in all their diversity, and to tackle poverty and gender inequality. We will be outlining our vision for a feminist Budget for 2025, setting a course for the rest of the decade.


Date: Wednesday 3rd July

Time: 1pm – 2pm

Location: Online via Zoom

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/national-womens-council-pre-budget-submission-2025-online-launch-tickets-928449426227


Our submission will focus on the need for investment in Budget 2025 in:

Public Childcare: Achieving a universal public system of Early Childhood Education and Care provision that is affordable and accessible for all
Housing: Ending the housing, homelessness and accommodation crisis, highlighting and tackling its particular impacts for women
Feminist Climate Justice: Enshrining the principles of feminist climate justice in all climate and environment policy and investment
Health: Ensuring our healthcare system is gender-sensitive, recognising that universal healthcare is a feminist issue
Tackling Poverty and Inequality: Develop social protection and employment systems that ensure an adequate income for all women

The submission will be launched online on Wednesday 3rd July from 1pm to 2pm, and will feature a presentation on our Pre-Budget Submission 2025 document as well as reaction and contributions from some of our member organisations.

Please email susanmcc@nwci.ie by COB on Thurs 27th June if you have any accessibility requirements and we will make the necessary arrangements.

Please email donals@nwci.ie if you have any other questions or queries.

Starts: 3 July 2024 13:00
Ends: 3 July 2024 14:00