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Published: Thursday, March 06, 2025
Since the Brexit referendum in 2016, conversations about the constitutional future of the island of Ireland have gained momentum. In this pivotal time, women must be key architects of Ireland’s future and the crucial issues they are facing, such...
Published: Thursday, November 10, 2011
The world will convene in Dublin for one day at the 6th annual International Charity Bazaar when the diplomatic corps based in Ireland get together at a unique multicultural, festival bazaar, to raise money for charity. This year we are...
Feminist Open Forum Panel DiscussionThursday December 8th 2011 at 7.30pmThe Ireland Institute (near Trinity Hotel), Pearse Street, Dublinwith Sinead Pentony, Head of Policy, TASCOrla O'Connor, Head of Policy, National Women's Council of IrelandSara Burke, Journalist, health policy analyst and author of...
Community Respond to Violence against Women and Children through the power of print.Speaking out on the issue of domestic and sexual abuse is challenging but a challenge that has been taken up by Kerry's own network on violence against...
On October 31 2011, the earth's population reached 7 billion. This global milestone is both a great opportunity and a great challenge. Although people are living longer and healthier lives, huge inequities persist.As more and more people join those of us already...
Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family..... (Article 25: The United Nations universal declaration of human rights)The Seven Towers Residents Group works in the New Lodge...
A creative resistance project related to the 'Spectacle of Defiance and Hope' took place on the streets last December where young people, children, parents, seniors and community groups partook in this different form of protest march. It was a very...
A report detailing what the Irish Government has committed to, which recommendations they will support and which they won't.Click here to read the report in full....
SIPTU are trying to persuade the Government to find a way of leveraging as much into the economy for jobs and growth as Budget 2012 takes out. Proposals have been submitted to them outlining a means of doing it without compromising...
Date: Tuesday 22 NovemberTime: 6.30-8.30pmPlace: EU House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2This meeting will look at how the introduction of gender quotas might impact the political landscape in Ireland, what changes (if any) political parties will have to make, and whether...
This week's clip from Amnesty addresses women's issues in Saudi Arabia. Although women are supposedly allowed to vote in the next municipal election the 'guardian' system could easily prevent them from doing so because women need their guardian's permission to...
Eóin Murray, the "Where are the Women" Project Co-ordinator, spoke on the subject of gender qoutas with Joanna Tuffy on the Right Hook, Wednesday 9th November.The project, co-ordinated by Eóin, is aimed at getting more women into...
Slapper, tart, floozy -- there are any number of derogatory words for women that could earn someone a stinging jaw. Until now, though, 'Mademoiselle' was unlikely to be one of them.Coming from a Frenchman, the retro term is likely...
This year Longford Women's Link have entered the video they used as part of last year's 16 Days of Action Opposing Violence Against Women. It's a video asking people to stop and think about domestic violence. Please support it by voting...
Due to the expanding numbers of friends on our facebook profile, we are in the proccess of moving all our activity onto our new facebook page. Be sure to have a look at it and like us!!!Click here to...
Published: Wednesday, November 09, 2011
In a rusting filing cabinet I have thousands of letters. I don't know why I keep them. Some are lovely, some funny, but most are hate mail. A letter addressed to "Suzzanne [sic] Moore, Stupid Woman Columnist" can still reach...
Please support Friends of the Women's Therapy Centre Ladies Lunch fundraiser on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It will take place at the very elegant Cruzzo Restaurant at Malahide Marina on November 25th with a Guest...
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