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Published: Thursday, March 06, 2025
Since the Brexit referendum in 2016, conversations about the constitutional future of the island of Ireland have gained momentum. In this pivotal time, women must be key architects of Ireland’s future and the crucial issues they are facing, such...
Published: Saturday, November 13, 2010
Our female TDs and Senators held a meeting this week to discuss the fraught issue of women in politics and how their numbers in parliament can be increased. The event was organised by Minister of State for Equality Mary White...
SEXIST E-MAILS by male employees about young female colleagues in PricewaterhouseCoopers in Dublin were being viewed on internet sites around the globe yesterday.The series of e-mails, that included staff photographs of the women, were circulated within the firm at...
Published: Tuesday, November 09, 2010
The Government must launch an official inquiry into the treatment of women and girls detained in so-called Magdalene Laundries, it has been ruled.The Irish Human Rights Commission (IHRC) said compensation should be paid to former residents where the state...
We are beginning a consultation process with women from the north, border counties, women in direct provision and asylum seekers in the south and women who have experienced conflict and gender based violence on this island; and representatives from the...
"MADE in Dagenham" is not remotely what you would call a fashion film. Set in 1968, in an automobile factory outside London, it is a dramatized account of the landmark labor dispute between the Ford Motor Company and a group of...
Published: Sunday, November 07, 2010
Terrence McDonagh (Economist NUI Galway) who told us that economics is ideologically driven and the current dominant ideology has resulted (and continues to result ) in the policies that we have seen fail us economically, socially and environmentally.Michael Taft (Economist...
Published: Thursday, November 04, 2010
Launch of Belonging - a FOMACS/ICI production - which articulates a diversity of young voices as they express and reflect upon their everyday lives and views on the future. Belonging was conceived and produced over two weekend workshops, where...
Women's Aid and groups around Ireland have been working to address domestic violence for over 35 years. We know that every day in Ireland women are beaten, raped and trapped in their own homes by those closest to them - their...
We are contacting you to invite you to a briefing and organising on Congress plans for a National Demonstration. This will be an opportunity to raise our voices in Social Solidarity with each other before the Budget. This meeting will...
Welcome to this weeks' newsletter.What's Where: Page 1 LINC Revamp & FacebookPage 2 Training Schedule & DetailsPage 3 What's Happening in LINCPage 4 What's happening in the LGBT CommunityPage 5 NoticeboardClick here.
'Prosperity without Growth - from growth to security in hard times?' Draft outline of the workshop scheduled to take place on Wednesday 10th November at 2pm in Irish Aid Centre, O Connell st 2-3.15 pm Overview by Professor John...
Date for Diary9.00am-4.30pm, Saturday 27th November 2010Trinity College DublinThe Irish Human Rights Commission (IHRC) and the Faculty of Law, Trinity College Dublin (TCD) have the pleasure of inviting you to a significant day long conference examining the human...
'WITH GOD ON OUR SIDE' on Friday, November 12 at 7.30pm in the JM SYNGE Theatre, ROOM 2309, in the Arts Block, Trinity College. As a supporter of the cause of Palestine, you will be very interested in this important new film...
Below is a link for the update on Isatou Touray and her colleague.They have been released on bail, but there is still a campaign for the charges to be dropped
Older Women's Network (OWN) IrelandBantracht na Sinsear Senior House,All Hallows College, Grace Park Road, Dublin 9.Tel: 01-8844536/537/538 Fax: 01-8844534Email: The Older Women's Network (OWN) Ireland is a national network of women aged 55+ and organisations working...
National Women's Council of Ireland - Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for the Health Service ExecutiveThe NWCI is seeking to contract an experienced and highly skilled researcher for this project.The tender is for the production of a Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for...
The Bill passed Committee stage in full yesterday morning. The meeting only lasted 1hr 45min and only Minister Harney, S O'Fearghail (chair), James Reilly, Margaret Conlon, Rory O'Hanlon, and Kathleen Lynch were present. No amendments relating to our concerns were...
Published: Tuesday, November 02, 2010
The National Women's Council of Ireland shares the anger of those hurt by unjust and reckless health cuts, including many women who are our members. The mismanagement of the HSE under Minister Mary Harney's watch has been scandalous. We have...
Published: Monday, November 01, 2010
Please Join us at the Dáil 11am, Wednesday,November 3rd, 2010. On Thursday 4th November the Nurses and Midwives Bill 2010 moves to Committee stage in the Dail. AIMS Ireland and other birth support groups are picketing the Dail at 11 am...
Published: Thursday, October 28, 2010
Below is the press release about the appalling harassment of Isatou Touray, a Gambian activist on women's human rights, and her colleague Amie Bojang-Sissoho.Isatou is known to many women in the WHRA as she participated in the 2005 IWRAW training...
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