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Category: Press Releases
Published: Thursday, March 06, 2025
Since the Brexit referendum in 2016, conversations about the constitutional future of the island of Ireland have gained momentum. In this pivotal time, women must be key architects of Ireland’s future and the crucial issues they are facing, such...
Published: Monday, June 24, 2013
National Women's Council of Ireland celebrated its 40th anniversary at an event on Friday June 14, 2013. On this occasion NWCI also launched its new Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 and its Annual Report 2012.Orla O'Connor, NWCI Director opened the event, which saw Minister...
Published: Sunday, June 23, 2013
The Y Factor Project, a youth initiative of the National Women's Council of Ireland is currently looking for a Volunteer to support our communications work as part of The Y Factor team.The Y Factor is an initiative of the...
The Mid-Term Progress Report of the Implementation of Ireland's National Action Plan for UNSCR 1325, 2011-2014, the UN Special Council Resolution on Women, Peace and Security, was presented to the Tánaiste in early June by Liz McManus, Chairperson of the...
In  June the Convention on the Constitution met to finalise their discussions on the electoral system. NWCI was one of only two NGOs to submit to the Convention in its May meeting on electoral systems. The June meeting adopted the...
NWCI hosted an exciting roundtable discussion with Hauwa Ibrahim, Nigerian human rights lawyer and activist, on Thursday June 20th.Hauwa Ibrahim is a Nigerian human rights lawyer, who has won a number of precedent setting cases before Islamic Shariah Courts....
NWCI held a consultation meeting with members to discuss a draft report on how to create a woman friendly Oireachtas. The report makes suggestions about how to overhaul the Oireachtas in order to make it more accessible for all women,...
Published: Wednesday, June 19, 2013
At our NWCI AGM, held on Friday 14 June, 2013, members voted to change the criteria for membership for new organisations.This change is the result of an ongoing process of renewing NWCI as an organisation. There are many challenges facing us...
Published: Tuesday, June 18, 2013
NWCI's 40th Anniversary AGM saw a number of important motions passed regarding young women's participation and role in decision making, women's visibility throughout history, family reunification and migrant women experiencing domestic violence, as well as motions relating to health and...
In 2012, NWCI organised a seminar called Bearing the Brunt?The seminar set out to explore the impact of the recession on women. The title ended in a deliberate question mark. The seminar was not about making a definitive statement; it...
NWCI's new e-action campaign that supports to end violence against women in Ireland finishes up at the end of June!Violence against women and domestic violence are ongoing features of Irish society. 1 in 5 women have been subjected to domestic violence....
Kilbarrack CDP is holding a pub quiz on Thursday 27th June in the Teachers Club, Parnell Square. 8pm. Great questions, loadsa prizes and the promise of a good night's craic. 20 Euro for a table of four. If you cannot come...
Published: Monday, June 17, 2013
While hundreds of people gathered in Istanbul's Gezi Park, Taksim's last remaining public park, a few miles away another group of young activists were also trying to ensure that their voices and issues were being heard. On the May 30th, 2013, 40...
To celebrate 40 years of NWCI and 40 years of Ireland's membership of the EU, NWCI released a video by Paula Geraghty featuring key female leaders in Irish society, including politicians like Mary O'Rourke, campaigners such as Ailbhe Smyth, journalists like Carol...
Published: Thursday, June 13, 2013
At the 40th Anniversary AGM, describing 2013 as 'a time of promising change, Orla O'Connor, Director of the National Women's Council invited more Irish women to join with the NWCI and continue on the road to full...
Published: Wednesday, June 12, 2013
The Irish Refugee Council are calling on supporters to sign their petition calling for an end to the institutionalised accommodation of asylum seekers in Ireland under the system known as Direct Provision.We are asking for an immediate investigation into...
The Government published the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013 on 13 June 2013. In reponse to the publication, NWCI raised remaining concerns about the proposed legislation in a press release.Jacqueline Healy, Women's Health and Human Rights Worker with NWCI, said...
The Sibéal Irish Postgraduate Feminist & Gender Studies Network will hold their annual conference in Queen's University Belfast on 22nd and 23rd November. The conference invites engagement with the intersections of gender as they can be detected in a...
The Bard Summer School takes place on magical Clare Island Co. Mayo, on an annual basis since 1995.Through presentations and workshops, the participants this year will explore the journeys taken by the very first woman to come to Ireland; CesairÂ...
There is a comedy gig in aid of the Abortion Support Network in McGrattan's, off Baggot St, Dublin 2, on June 30th 8pmThe headline is a comedian from the UK, Kate Smurthwaite, who is a tireless campaigner for women's rights, freedom...
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