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Published: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Marking the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action at the CSW in New York next week, the National Women’s Council (NWC) and the Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence will hold an event ‘GBV Survivors...
Published: Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Ireland recently reported to the UN Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (UN CERD) on 22-23 February. The CERD committee issued its Concluding Observations on Friday 11 March 2011 from Geneva.- To view the report, please click...
Akidwa have moved,Details as followsUnit 2 Killarney Court, Buckingham Street, Dublin 1New Phone NO 01 8349851
DATE FOR YOUR DIARYYou are invited to LAUNCH of International Day/European Week Against Racism And ENAR Shadow Report on Racism 2009/2010 - Ireland and Europe Where: EU House, Molesworth St., Dublin 1When: 10am - 11.30am, Monday 21 March 2011RSVP Enarireland@gmail...
General Information about the CensusHow does the census take place?A census form is delivered to every household in Ireland by a census enumerator who will call back after the census to collect the completed form. The head of every...
Published: Monday, March 14, 2011
THE WOMEN'S THERAPY CENTRE REQUIRE A VOLUNTEER EVENTS ORGANISER (PART-TIME)The Women's Therapy Centre (WTC) provides an accessible and affordable professional psychotherapy service for individual women, particularly women marginalised by social injustices. The WTC specifically provides a specialist psychotherapy service...
Published: Sunday, March 13, 2011
'The Other Half' programme was launched on the 23rd November 2010. The Other Half is an alliance of men's and women's national networks working together to end men's violence against women. This alliance includes:Ø SAFE Ireland which is the national representative...
Published: Thursday, March 10, 2011
Sligo Family Resource Centre had a super event to celebrate International women's day 2011 last Tuesday.
"Drama and Co-dependency"Thursday 14th April, 2011.Ramada Hotel, Bray, Co Wicklow9:00 am Registration9.30 am Official opening of seminar by Mr. John Lonergan, former Governor Mountjoy Prison, 1984-20109.45 am Session 1: "Dealing with Co-Dependency, the Destructive Parallel Process in Addiction Mr. Stephen...
March 15, TuesdayRoundtable with ManiFesta: developing, producing and managing media projects with young people. Media literacy: a luxury or necessity? How can youth media participation challenge barriers associated with social and educational advantage? How are young people adapting and using new...
The Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) decided to include an item on "Decent Work for Domestic Workers" on the agenda of the 99th session (2010) of the International Labour Conference. If agreed, this Convention will set international standards...
Later this year, Marriage Equality is launching a new campaign, called " Just Love ". We'll be featuring photos of couples and families, with the tagline " Just Love " on billboards, campaign materials and our website. We are building on the success of...
Training is FETAC Accredited Level 4 (B10135)Training will take place over 10 nights on Wednesday eveningsTraining is free to participants (limited places) who are Union Members.Places are open for both employed and unemployed people.ContentIntroduction to Information TechnologyIntroduction to Data...
The following article was written by NWCI CEO Susan McKay and appears in today's Irish Times.The shafting of Joan Burton proves it. We have gender apartheid in Irish politics. The country is once again to be run by Irish...
Published: Wednesday, March 09, 2011
THE NATIONAL Women's Council of Ireland's chief executive Susan McKay has criticised what she described as the "marginalisation" of women in the new Cabinet.She said it was "a disgrace" that the newly appointed Labour Minister for Social Protection Joan...
Published: Saturday, March 05, 2011
Victory for Campaign to Reverse the Cut to the Minimum WageThe Coalition to Protect the Lowest Paid is celebrating a significant victory regarding the agreement contained in the new Programme for Government that the cut to the minimum wage which...
Published: Thursday, March 03, 2011
Published: Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Recognising the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day (March 8th, 1911-2011), Global Women's Studies together with the Irish Centre for Human Rights, The Galway Film Society, the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) and Gender ARC research alliance ...
You are invited to a conference the School of Social Justice is holding in University College Dublin on March 11th and 12th titiled :Creating Change: Feminism, the University and Society. Attached see the programme and details of the conference.
Review of Nationwide Consultation on UPR on Thursday 10th March at the Ashling Hotel, Parkgate St, D.8 (Opposite Heuston Station) from 2pm-4pmLight refreshments available upon arrival.A public meeting to review the outcome of the nationwide consultation by the...
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