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Published: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Most of our trips in Ireland are taken by car, but 68% of all trips are for distances of less than 10km. (National Household Travel Survey (2023) Providing active and public transport is key to tackling the climate emergency but to achieve...
Published: Thursday, March 31, 2011
OPEN/INFORMATION DAYYou are invited to AkiDwA's Open/Information DayVenue: Unit 2 killerney Court, Buckingham Street Upper, Dublin1Date: Friday, 15h April 2011Time: 11am - 2pmThe aim of the day is to give a number of community organisations a chance to...
Published: Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Near Media Co-op is seeking 8 participants (4 Irish and 4 non-EU nationals) to take part in a new project, "Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media."The aim of Near Media's Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media Project is to increase integration and intercultural...
Published: Thursday, March 24, 2011
PARTICIPATE WITH US IN THE 2011 FLORA WOMEN'S MINI MARATHONin aid ofTHE WOMEN'S THERAPY CENTREHello ladies, I have a very specific request...I am looking to gather a group of 200 fabulous women to do the Dublin Women's Mini Marathon this June...
Are you a multi-skilled tradesperson with a great personality?Are you an expert in any (or all) of the following: Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrics, Painting & Decorating, Gardening, Construction and General DIY?Are you able instruct absolute beginners?Would you be...
Following a hugely successful three-month run at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin in 2010, the photographic and life history project, A Sikh Face in Ireland, continues its journey around the island of Ireland, and opened at the Tower Museum in...
One Family ServicesOne Family Services are looking for a Childcare Manager.One Family Services aims to develop and provide a range of best practice programmes that support people parenting on their own or sharing parenting. The services include Welfare to...
Oppose the eviction of Travellers from Dale FarmA special message from the Irish Traveller Movement in the UK Last week, Basildon Council voted in favour of issuing a 28 day notice period for the eviction of resident's at Dale Farm (although...
Published: Wednesday, March 23, 2011
We gladly invite you to come participate in the 5th Year Celebrating Diversity in Athy / 4th Anniversary of the public launch of WIN. Feel free to invite your colleagues, service users, friends and families because the more the merrier.We...
On March 1st last, Banúlacht launched the Mná Sasa manifesto: a grassroots feminist manifesto developed by Irish and Tanzanian participants in the Banúlacht - Kivulini ExChange programme. For more information about the Manifesto, and to download a copy,...
Published: Monday, March 21, 2011
New on Banúlacht's websiteOn March 1st last, Banúlacht launched the Mná Sasa manifesto: a grassroots feminist manifesto developed by Irish and Tanzanian participants in the Banúlacht - Kivulini ExChange programme. For more information about the Manifesto, and...
Published: Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Dr Marie-Jeanne Da Col Richert from the University of Strasbourg is conducting research into Irish Women's experience post the Celtic Tiger... Attached is her questionnaire with her email address to enable participants to take part.I think it would be...
Published: Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Ireland recently reported to the UN Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (UN CERD) on 22-23 February. The CERD committee issued its Concluding Observations on Friday 11 March 2011 from Geneva.- To view the report, please click...
Akidwa have moved,Details as followsUnit 2 Killarney Court, Buckingham Street, Dublin 1New Phone NO 01 8349851
DATE FOR YOUR DIARYYou are invited to LAUNCH of International Day/European Week Against Racism And ENAR Shadow Report on Racism 2009/2010 - Ireland and Europe Where: EU House, Molesworth St., Dublin 1When: 10am - 11.30am, Monday 21 March 2011RSVP Enarireland@gmail...
General Information about the CensusHow does the census take place?A census form is delivered to every household in Ireland by a census enumerator who will call back after the census to collect the completed form. The head of every...
Published: Monday, March 14, 2011
THE WOMEN'S THERAPY CENTRE REQUIRE A VOLUNTEER EVENTS ORGANISER (PART-TIME)The Women's Therapy Centre (WTC) provides an accessible and affordable professional psychotherapy service for individual women, particularly women marginalised by social injustices. The WTC specifically provides a specialist psychotherapy service...
Published: Sunday, March 13, 2011
'The Other Half' programme was launched on the 23rd November 2010. The Other Half is an alliance of men's and women's national networks working together to end men's violence against women. This alliance includes:Ø SAFE Ireland which is the national representative...
Published: Thursday, March 10, 2011
Sligo Family Resource Centre had a super event to celebrate International women's day 2011 last Tuesday.
"Drama and Co-dependency"Thursday 14th April, 2011.Ramada Hotel, Bray, Co Wicklow9:00 am Registration9.30 am Official opening of seminar by Mr. John Lonergan, former Governor Mountjoy Prison, 1984-20109.45 am Session 1: "Dealing with Co-Dependency, the Destructive Parallel Process in Addiction Mr. Stephen...
March 15, TuesdayRoundtable with ManiFesta: developing, producing and managing media projects with young people. Media literacy: a luxury or necessity? How can youth media participation challenge barriers associated with social and educational advantage? How are young people adapting and using new...
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