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Published: Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Alliance of over 40 organisations reminds newly elected TDs of their election promises 18th December 2024 Under the slogan ‘All we want for Christmas is public childcare’, the campaign alliance, Together for Public, gathered outside Leinster House today (Wednesday, 18th...
Published: Wednesday, September 15, 2010
GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- A committee of mothers of Palestinian prisoners met Friday outside the headquarters of the Red Cross in Gaza City, protesting the continued incarceration of their sons and daughters. The mothers read a letter to assembled protesters...
We are currently accepting applications for our 4 day training programme 'Sexual Abuse: The Counselling Process' Monday 14th to Thursday 17th February 2011Venue: Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, 70 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2. This programme focuses on the process of recovery from sexual...
The National Youth Council of Ireland is hosting a one day National Youth Employment Conference on October 5th in Croke Park, Jones Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 3. Young people under 25 years have been badly hit by the recession with youth unemployment trebling...
Now more than ever businesses are looking for innovative and cost effective ways to promote their business and the SFA National Small Business Awards are one such opportunity!By answering 5 short questions about your company you could benefit from an...
Published: Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The appointment of a long time champion of women's rights to the new post of United Nations Under Secretary for Women is good news for the world's women, according to the National Women's Council of Ireland. "Michelle Bachelet, formerly Chile's...
FOMACS/BRITISH COUNCIL: PUBLIC INTERVIEW with Yasmin Alibhai-BrownWe are pleased to invite you to a public interview with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, UK based broadcast journalist, writer and public speaker on race and cultural identities. Susan McKay, CEO of the National Women's...
Published: Monday, September 13, 2010
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today named former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet to head United Nations Women (UN Women), a newly created entity to oversee all of the world body's programmes aimed at promoting women's rights and full participation in global affairs...
Published: Sunday, September 12, 2010
First of its kind ground breaking Irish report launched at ConferenceMarriage Equality proudly salutes the young adults who took part in Voices of Children, a report on a workshop that documents the experiences of young people growing up in Ireland...
Published: Thursday, September 09, 2010
Hello! This year, Viatores Christi is celebrating its 50th year of recruiting, training and placing people from all walks of life in long-term overseas volunteer roles. As we reach this important milestone, we feel that it would be very timely...
Tuesday 28 September; Dublin city from 10.15am - 4.30pmIs your youth group as diverse as it could be? This training course will introduce participants to the use of a newly developed Diversity Toolkit called Access All Areas. This toolkit can be...
In response to Government's intention to implement the McCarthy Report and savagely cut the Community and Voluntary Sector, Trade Unionists, Community Groups and Employers formed the "Defending Ireland's Communities" campaign. "Defending Ireland's Communities" is an evolution of last year's "Communities...
Donegal Women's Domestic Violence ServiceIn Partnership withDonegal Mental Health Service HSECordially invite you to a FREE Conference"The Effects of Domestic Violence on the Family" 'An Interagency Approach'Wed 6th October 20109am - 1.30pmVenue: The Clanree Hotel Port Rd LetterkennyLight lunch...
Published: Wednesday, September 08, 2010
AIMS Ireland & AIMS UK Joint Committee Meeting & Seminar Day "Informed Consent in Maternity Care:Perspectives from Ireland & the UK"September 25th 2010, The Teachers' Club, 36 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 (Opposite the Rotunda Hospital)AIMS Ireland is delighted to announce...
AIMSI are delighted to announce that a public lecture on the subject of Midwifery-Led Care will be taking place at NUI Galway at 7 pm on Monday, September 27th. This event will look at the research behind Midwifery-Led Care, its value...
Employment Law Today is a special half-day workshop designed to help community, voluntary, and charitable organisations get to grips with the complexities of employment law.Marguerite Bolger is a practicing barrister specialising in employment law. She will facilitate the workshop,...
By Brandy PeakeWaiting in the never-ending line at the airport, I thought to myself, what did I get myself into? Little did I know that the month of service at the National Women's Council of Ireland would be one of...
Published: Monday, September 06, 2010
Dear colleagues and supportersof the Act Now on 2015 campaign, As you know, in less than 3 weeks' time, the UN Summit on the MDGs will take place in New York, taking stock of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals.In addition...
Published: Saturday, September 04, 2010
Mary Harney, Minister for Health & Children, today (Thursday 2nd September, 2010) welcomed the publication of the findings of the All-Ireland Traveller Health Study, which she launched in July 2007.The Department of Health and Children in conjunction with the Department of...
Published: Thursday, September 02, 2010
Ireland's already abysmal level of women politicians has fallen still further this week, with announcements from Olwyn Enright and Liz McManus that they are to quit the Dail. Ireland has now plummetted from 84th in the world ranking to 88th,...
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