Increasing Women’s Participation in Peace and Politics
Published: Monday, November 05, 2012

Over 150 activists, policy officers and senior decision makers, including elected representatives from across the island of Ireland came together at Hannas House conference on 5 November 2012 to discuss how UN SCR 1325 could be implemented on the island of Ireland. The resolution is particularly relevant for Ireland in implementing the Good Friday Agreement.
The conference heard from Professor Christine Chinkin of the London School of Economics; Claire Hackett of Healing Through Remembering; Fiona Buckley of the 5050 Group; Judith Gillespie, Deputy Chief Constable of the PSNI; Ceann Comhairle, Sean Barrett who is the Co-Chair of the newly formed North-South Inter-Parliamentary Association and Monica McWilliams from the Transitional Justice Institute at the University of Ulster.
President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins addressing the conference stated that 'there was a certain urgency to the conference given the increase in violent attacks on women and children throughout the world.' He went on to say that the experience and participation of women must be central in creating peace building and post conflict economies.
Outcomes from the conference will be used to inform the work of Hanna's House and cross border institutions of the State.Hanna's House is a home for an active feminist community in Ireland, working for a non-violent, just society that embraces diversity. This unique space for women's groups and feminist activists provides opportunities for women to develop and promote radical changes for equality and justice. More information is available at