Save the date: Quotas & women in politics – awareness raising session
Published: Thursday, February 09, 2012

Historic legislation is passing through the Oireachtas introducing quotas which will address the injustice of women's exclusion from politics. Now there is a real need to raise awareness of the need to get more women involved in politics.
The Dublin branch of the 50:50 group are organising an awareness raising session for all those interested in talking to their community group or political party about the 'how and why' of getting more women involved.
Time: 6.30pm
Date: Thursday 23 February
Place: National Women's Council of Ireland (New Offices) - 4th Floor,
2/3 Parnell Square East, Dublin 1 (opposite Gate Theatre).
RSVP: or by Tuesday 21 February
The session will include some of Ireland's leading experts on the issue. You'll learn the ins-and- outs of the quota system and how it will impact on political parties and candidates. At the end you'll have a presentation which you can use to help raise awareness on the issue.