Mobilising for Gender Justice Beyond the MDGs! WIDE Opens a new Campaign
Published: Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ten years after the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Declaration was signed by 189 countries, the United Nations will celebrate MDG+10 Review Summit on 20-22 September 2010, in New York.
WIDE keeps a critical view on the MDGs framework as a narrow and minimalist focus for measuring development and the advancement of gender equality and women´s rights. WIDE considers that the MDGs leave aside the structural nature of poverty as well as the structural nature of gender inequality.
WIDE wants to take the opportunity of the upcoming MDG Review Summit to contribute with its critical voice to the advancement of gender and social justice for all.
Join our "Gender Justice Beyond the MDG Campaign" and share your analysis, opinions, activities and proposals, news, processes, expectations and outcomes of the summit with us!
Let's mobilise and stand up together for gender justice beyond the MDGs!
WIDE UN Watch ¬ Get informed and follow us at the UN MDG+10 Review Summit at
Read the WIDE Campaign Bulletin N1.