Write to your Senators and TDs - Legislate for X Campaign Update
Published: Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It is now possible to contact your TDs and Senators with a new template letter through our online campaign action and ask them to support the option legislation plus regulation as outlined in the Expert Group Report on Abortion.
The Expert Group report on abortion recommends as one option a legislation plus regulations approach to give effect to the X case. The Expert Group make very clear that this option would regulate access to lawful termination of pregnancy in Ireland that would be constitutionally, legally and procedurally sound and in line with the X case judgement and the requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Judgement in A,B and C v Ireland.
The government is expected to make a decision on which option it will take before the Christmas break. Over the next days it is therefore crucial to keep up the pressure on TDs and Senators to support the option legislation plus regulation. Please use the new letter in our online campaign module and write to your TDs and to your Senator, share it on social media and encourage your friends and family to do the same.