An exciting summer ahead for The Y Factor
Published: Friday, May 24, 2013

Things have been going great for The Y Factor. With our pilot education/discussion programme drawing to a close, we are very grateful to the young people, youth workers and teachers that have participated in this process for all that we have learned from them. So a huge thank you to Poppintree Youth Project, Trinity Comprehensive, Ballymun, St. Vincent's School, Dundalk, Malahide Community School, Bluebell Youth Project, Lough Allen College, Co. Leitrim and Malinhead Young Women's Group. Over the summer months, we will evaluate what we have learned through the pilot and plan how we will continue to roll out and expand this programme. If you are a teacher, youth worker or involved in education or youth work planning or policy and you are interested in our work, please get in touch with us. We would like to set up an advisory group to help us with this work and we would very much welcome the input of those with experience in these areas who are also committed to putting women's equality on the agenda for education and youth work. Please contact if you are interested.
Meeting of The Y Factor's Health Information Campaign Group
On Tuesday 4th June (2-4.30pm) we will hold the first meeting of The Y Factor's Health Information Campaign Group here at the NWCI offices. The Y Factor Steering Group have identified access to health services and health information in a safe, respectful, confidential and empowering way as a key issue for young women and want to initiate an information campaign about this. We are inviting young people (16-25) who would be interested in such a campaign to come along to this meeting. Please email if you would like to come along or to know more about it.
Volunteer with The Y Factor - Information Session
On Wednesday 12th June (1.30-4pm) we will hold a volunteer information session (also at the NWCI offices) for the many young people who have indicated their interest in The Y Factor and who are willing to commit some time to working towards our shared goals. At this we will explain the work of The Y Factor and the NWCI, outline how we will support and use the contribution of volunteers and discuss the various ways people can get involved. We welcome all young people in the 16 to 25 age-group and would value your input to our work. If you'd like to attend, just email
Spreading the word in Ireland and abroad
The Y Factor is also spreading the word internationally as well as in Ireland and we are proud that some of the amazing young women who are involved with us will be representing us at number of exciting events taking place in Europe in the coming fortnight. They will bring the perspective of young people in Ireland to discussions on gender equality as well as identifying opportunities and sharing what they learn with The Y Factor.
Darcy Lonergan, currently interning with the NWCI and formerly the youngest Lord Mayor of Carrickmacross, will represent us at a regional youth forum in Istanbul being organised by the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) to feed into the review of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).
Shauna Kelly, also interning with the NWCI and member of The Y Factor Steering Group, will travel to Zagreb to participate at a networking meeting being organised by the European Institute for Gender Equality to coincide with the European Women's Lobby Annual General Assembly.
Mairéad Byrne, a youth worker and Community and Youth Work student, will travel to Calabria, Italy to participate in a training programme for youth workers entitled Bridging the Gap, Think Global - Act Local: Make the connection, organised by Salto Youth. We are grateful that Mairéad has agreed to bring The Y Factor's gender equality perspective to discussions and feed back the learning to The Y Factor.
We are really proud that The Y Factor is being recognised as a source of informed young feminists and invited to take part of these events and that such competent young people are able to represent us. We wish Shauna, Darcy and Mairéad success on these trips.
Don't forget if you want to know more about The Y Factor you can check our website or find us on Facebook.