NWCI launches Policy Position Paper on Abortion
Published: Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The NWCI recently launched its Policy Position Paper on Abortion.
The NWCI has worked on the issue of abortion over the last thirty years and our position on abortion has developed over time in recognition of the diversity and evolution of views in this area. NWCI members have mandated us to adopt a pro-choice position on abortion that is rooted in an analysis of gender equality, women's human rights and social inclusion. NWCI members supported a motion brought to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2009, which called for development of a policy seeking provision of safe, legal abortion for women in Ireland. This echoed many previous motions at NWCI AGMs calling for access to abortion services.
The policy position paper articulates that mandate. It sets out this position and examines the current situation in relation to abortion and the law in Ireland, including the report of the Expert Group on the Judgement of A, B and C, as well as current medical practice. It outlines the impact on women who seek abortion outside the jurisdiction and examines abortion in the context of women's human rights. Finally it looks at trends in European law and public support for abortion in this country. It concludes with a number of recommendations for policy change.
Read full version of Policy Position Paper on Abortion