Longford Women’s Link invites you to Women Succeeding in Local Government: Turning Inspiration into
Published: Thursday, April 12, 2012

Date : Monday, April 30th 2012
Time : 9:45 am to 3:45 pm, registration from 9:00am
Venue : Longford Women's Link, Willow House, Ardnacassa Avenue, Longford
Lunch will be provided on the day
Conference note
The aim of this event is simple, to use the experience, information and resources we have to inspire women to act.
The morning session focuses on INSPIRING attendees through our two 'inspiration' panels of invited speakers. The first panel consists of women who are successfully working within local government, reflecting on their experiences as women who have successfully established a career in this area. A second panel consisting of organisations and agencies, which exist to support women into political life at a local level, will discuss what they do to help women move into this space. The afternoon session encourages ACTION and examines ways in which we can act to encourage and support more women in local political life.
The opening address will be provided by Marian Harkin, MEP Ireland North and West.
The organisations featured at this event include the Women's Manifesto Project, Women for Election, 50:50 Group and Labour Women.
Who should attend?
Individuals and organisations who are interested in women's representation and women's role in local government; those who are already working within local political party structures, members of political parties or elected representatives; women who may be interested in running for local office, journalists (freelance or working for local media) with an interest in the area and/or academics who are carrying out research on this issue.
RSVP To: manifesto@longfordwomenslink.org By: 5pm on Wednesday, April 18th 2012
Please note attendance at this event will be limited in order to allow attendees ample opportunity to address panel members, ask questions and to network. Please register early to avoid disappointment.