‘Crossing Cultures: Dublin City Dialogues’
Published: Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuesday, 5 April: Public Conversation with 'Refugee Youth' London
FOMACS/Office for Integration (OFI), Dublin City Council
Following their participation in the 2010 'Moving Worlds: Cinemas of Migration' film festival, we are delighted to welcome back members from Refugee Youth to Dublin. This visit offers a unique opportunity to learn about an organisation that supports young refugees living in London to develop and lead their own advocacy and creative projects. One such project, or what Refugee Youth would term an 'action catalyst' initiative, is 'Refuge in Film', designed to raise awareness about refugee and migrant issues. A youth led film festival held annually at the British Film Institute in London since 2007, Refuge in Film comprises a film programme curated exclusively by its young members (19-25 years old), a selection of films produced by the team at Refuge in Film, and an exciting range of filmmaking workshops.
Refugee Youth strive to assist young refugees to gain strength and power through creative learning, while the festival offers an inspiring example of young people engineering a platform to, in their words, 'catapult our own ideas and views'.
In collaboration with the Irish Refugee Council
Venue: Centre for Creative Practices, 15 Pembroke Street Lower, Dublin 2
Time: 5-7pm
Please note it is necessary to contact FOMACS in advance to register. tel: (01) 402 3006, or email info.fomacs@dit.ie