"Know your Knockers
Published: Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Invitation to all to the launch of "Know your Knockers" a campaign to increase awareness for older people to know who they open the door to. This is happening in conjunction with International Women's Day. "Wise Women of the Banner", Beat the Resession and Go Back in Time with Grandmothers Remedies old cures and beauty therapies we have in the kitchen. Relax like our Elders while we sing, recite tell a story or a joke while we knit or crochet. To end the day we Feast like Wise Women. Fill your boots with griddle bread, perrywinkles, nettle soup, slucan and much much more. 0n Sunday 6th March in the Brothers of Charity workshop Hector Street at 3.00 for more information contact Mary 065-9056611 or Viv 065-9052173 Come along and join the celebrations.
attached see flyer.
West Clare Family Resource Centre
The Community Centre
Toler Street
Co. Clare
Telephone: +353-65 9052173 Fax: +353-65 9052173