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Published: Thursday, February 24, 2011

MRCI and the National Women's Council of Ireland are jointly hosting a panel discussion event on 8th March, as part of the global campaign to introduce legally-binding international protections for domestic workers.

Domestic worker organisations around the world are using the 8th March 2011, the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, as a global call for action to mobilise support for an ILO Convention for Decent Work and Rights for Domestic Workers. The Convention aims to improve conditions for the millions of women and girls employed in this sector, which has high levels of exploitation.

The ILO convention will be finalised in June 2011 in Geneva. MRCI and NWCI are calling on the government to commit to supporting and ratifying the Convention, which will recognise domestic workers as workers, with all the neccessary employment protections.

We hope you will join us on 8th March and support this global call to protect domestic workers

Speakers to include:
Susan McKay - National Women's Council of Ireland
Hilda Regaspi- Domestic Workers Action Group
Inez McCormack - Global Coalition for Women's Rights/Workers' Rights

Woodquay Venue
Dublin City Council, D8
8 March 2011, 3-5pm

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