Census of Population 2011
Published: Wednesday, February 09, 2011

My name is David Regan and I work on the publicity team for the 2011 Census
in the Central Statistics Office, Swords, Co Dublin.
As you may be aware, a Census of Population will take place in Ireland on
April 10th next and everyone who is in Ireland on that night must be
included in the census.
As part of our preparations for the census we want to ensure that everyone
knows about what is happening and why, so as to understand what their role
in the census is. Your group, in its dealings with people who come from a
different country and possibly a different background and culture, is in a
unique position to help us to reach and communicate with this community. I
hope that you will be willing to help us, and to help that community too,
to understand the benefits of their participation in Census 2011 by
bringing the census to the attention of the people in your community/group.
It is important for us all as a society that everyone is included and that
correct information is collected. It is also important for the community
your group represents that they themselves are included so that full
account will be taken of them and their needs when decisions are being made
for the future.
I attach some general information about the census and some details of what
we are doing to assist people with their obligation to complete the census
(See attached file: General Information about the Census AC.)
(See attached file: Central Statistics Office AB.)
How you can help.
If you have a network within your community, if you provide training,
information or support to people who hail from another country or have
difficulties with understanding English, you can help us, and them, by:
Informing them about the census
Distributing information leaflets - We would be happy to make printed
copies of a Census Information leaflet available in any of 21
different languages if you would like to make it available to the
members of your group to distribute. If you would like to receive
some of these leaflets, please let me know by return how many and in
which language(s) you require them.
Letting them know about our website and foreign language materials
If you have a website which you use to communicate with your members
we can provide a census logo and link to the census website which you
can display to provide a quick link to census information. If you
email by reply I will send this on to you.
If your group has a newsletter, it might be a good way to let your
members know about the census and pass on some of the information in
this email to them.
(See attached file: 21 Languages.)
You can also visit our website at www.census.ie for further information
and to see the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Your co-operation and assistance in helping your community make its mark on
Irish society through the census is appreciated. Please do not hesitate to
contact me if you have any queries.
Yours sincerely
David Regan
Census Contracts & Publicity Section
Central Statistics Office
Swords Business Campus
Balheary Road
Co. Dublin
Tel: +353.1.8951304
Fax: +353.1.8951399