A Feminist Vision of Care and Equality
Published: Wednesday, February 07, 2024
ActionAid Ireland and the National Women’s Council have jointly launched a report, a Feminist Vision of Care and Equality, which shows inextricable links between care, gender and economic inequality both at a global and national level. Significantly more care work, both paid and unpaid, is done by women than men – and remains largely invisible, undervalued and unmeasured. The vast majority of paid care workers in Ireland (80%) and globally (75%) are women, which is often characterised by low paid and precarious work. In Ireland, 98% of full-time carers are women and women do twice as much unpaid care and housework as men. The report highlights in particular how levels of poverty and discrimination are higher for marginalised groups of women in Ireland due to the failure of the State to adequately value and support care.
Download file: A Feminist Vision of Care and Equality