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Irish Observatory on Violence Against Women submission to COSC

Published: Saturday, May 31, 2008

On the National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender based Violence

The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) is a non-governmental organisation representing women's groups in Ireland. The NWCI currently has 163 member organisations affiliated to it, representing an estimated 500,000 women. As the representative organisation of women in Ireland, the NWCI works to promote equality, human rights and empowerment for all women; and to support collective action, leadership and solidarity in the pursuit of a just and equitable society. The vision of the NWCI is of an Ireland where all women and men have equal power to shape society and their own lives. The NWCI advocate for substantive equality1 and human rights for women - so that women will have recognition (affective equality), representation (political equality), resources (economic equality), and respect (social/cultural equality). Violence against women is a major barrier to women's equality.

Download file:Irish Observatory on Violence Against Women submission to COSC