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NWCI Submission on the Rural Development Strategy Plan 2007-2013

Published: Saturday, December 31, 2005

The NWCI welcomes this opportunity to make a submission to Ireland's Rural Development Strategy Plan 2007-2013. This rural development strategy will form the basis of the future development of Ireland's rural areas and of Ireland's rural development policies. In light of this, the NWCI membership believe that it is crucial that the principles of equality and social inclusion lie at the heart of the strategy and subsequently any measures that come from the strategy. This is in line with the EU Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 on support for rural development by the EAFRD no. 7 'In its action in favour of rural development, the Community takes care to eliminate inequalities and to promote equality between discrimination, in accordance with the Treaty'.

Download file:NWCI Submission on the Rural Development Strategy Plan 2007-2013