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Profile of a revolutionary: Maryam Al-Khawaya

Published: Sunday, August 21, 2011

Earlier this year a wave of revolutions rolled across the Middle East.

Orchestrated via text messages on BlackBerries and call-outs on Facebook and Twitter, many of the uprisings were driven by young people no longer willing to tolerate their country's repressive politics or flagrant disregard for basic human rights.

One of the most vocal proponents of human rights throughout the region is 24-year old Bahraini woman, Maryam Al-Khawaja.

In a region where women are still expected to defer to men, Al-Khawaja refuses to go quietly.

The daughter of Bahrain's most famous human rights activist and the current head of foreign relations for the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, the organization founded by her father, Al-Khawaja travels the globe demanding attention for her cause (see WVoN story).

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