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Category: Media Coverage

Women urged to support Justice for Magdalenes

Published: Wednesday, July 14, 2010

At their recent AGM, the National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) passed a motion supporting the survivor advocacy group Justice for Magdalene's (JFM) campaign to bring about a formal apology and a distinct redress scheme for all Magdalene survivors. This...

Women’s council seeks justice for Magdalene survivors

Published: Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Irish Times - Monday, July 12, 2010THE NATIONAL Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) is to write to all female TDs, Senators, and local councillors calling on them to support calls for justice for survivors of the Magdalene laundries.Susan McKay,...

State ‘has fostered Traveller apartheid’

Published: Wednesday, July 07, 2010

SOCIETY'S failure to emancipate Travellers must rank as "one of the most serious social embarrassments" in the State's 86 years of independence, a hard-hitting report has claimed.It calls for an end to "informal apartheid" of Traveller people and a radical...

Increasing numbers consider abortion ‘because of recession’

Published: Sunday, June 27, 2010

Women in increasing numbers are considering terminating pregnancies as a consequence of the recession, according to Dublin's Well Woman Centre.Chief executive Alison Begas said yesterday that up to one in five of the 2,000 of so women who presented to...

Cut in lone-parent payment smacks of the jackboot

Published: Friday, June 11, 2010

No matter how the Government spins it, this proposal will hit the weakest in society, writes Jerome ReillyAt first impression, the Government's plan to abolish One-Parent Family Payments once the youngest child reaches 13 years has the heavy stamp of the...

Political parties and campaigners unite in criticism of ‘rogue state’

Published: Monday, May 31, 2010

By Michael Brennan Political Correspondent, The Independent Tuesday June 01 2010POLITICAL parties and campaign groups last night united in their condemnation of Israel in the wake of the commando attack that claimed the lives of at least nine Gaza-bound peace activists...

Very different winners hope to make difference

Published: Monday, May 31, 2010

By MARIE O'HALLORAN The Irish Times - Tuesday, June 1, 2010Winners of the Vodafone Ireland Foundation's World of Difference campaign Mark Smith, Patrick Haslett, Benedicta Attoh and Mark ODoherty.A FORMER child bride, a professional rugby player turned solicitor, an out...

Anger over ‘sly’ child benefit cut

Published: Saturday, May 29, 2010

Proposed changes to the welfare system have been condemned as heartless and reprehensible beyond beliefBy Justine McCarthy, TimesOnline May 30 2010ANGER was growing among government backbenchers last night at proposals to cut welfare benefits for single mothers contained in legislation that...


Published: Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Irish Examiner 11th May 2010It is strange how we take pornography for granted as part of our daily lives. Reaching for our Examiner, our eyes meet the looming breasts of the models in the "Lads mags" on the upper shelves...

Fertility clinic will only treat married couples…..Irish Daily Mail (Friday 16 April 2010)

Published: Thursday, April 15, 2010

By Susan McKay, Director of the National Women's Council of Ireland When my daughters were small, we went to live in a very conservative little village in the far North. At their very Protestant state school, they were approached by...

Longford Businesswomen Honoured – Susan McKay Keynote Speaker, Longford Leader

Published: Saturday, November 21, 2009

Longford's most successful business women gathered in the Black Olive restaurant last Thursday afternoon to celebrate the first annual Longford Women in Business AwardsThe event was organised by the Longford Leader, the Co Enterprise Board and Longford Women's Link and...

GPs face delays over locum payments, Irish Times, 17th November 2009

Published: Monday, November 16, 2009

GENERAL PRACTITIONERS in the west are facing delays in repayment of locum cover, due to HSE West's non-replacement of staff on maternity leave.HSE West says it is making efforts to resolve the issue, but has been unable to say...

State’s shameful savings, Irish Examiner, 12th November 2009

Published: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A FIERCE backlash against plans to scrap the Christmas welfare bonus and slash child allowance hit the Government last night as it was accused of deliberate "meanness".Labour leader Eamon Gilmore branded the Taoiseach's stance "shameful" as Brian Cowen confirmed...

Sparks fly over sexy Ryanair Calendar, Irish Independent, 12th November 2009

Published: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

RYANAIR was accused last night of a "serious lack of imagination" after the airline insisted its 2010 cabin crew calendar was "art".The new calendar, featuring two Irish employees, is more risque than previous editions.The National Women's Council of Ireland ...

Women’s Council criticise Ryanair’s latest calendar, Irish Examiner, Breaking News, 12th November 20

Published: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The National Women's Council of Ireland is hitting out at Ryanair over its latest cabin crew calendar.The 2010 calendar - which includes two Irish employees - features scantily clad women and claims to be the most provocative edition yet.http:/...

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